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Hearthstone [BETA PC GAME]
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hearthstone beta game cracked

Dec 20, 2013


Year of release : 2013
Genre : Cards Game
Developer : Blizzard Entertainment
Publisher : Blizzard Entertainment
Language : English
Sound language : English
Crack : enclosing [Hearthstone 1.0.0]


Blizzard's Hearthstone may only be in beta, but it's generating a fairly high amount of buzz, and even has a sizable, healthy streaming population (frequently the number 2 or 3 game on which is odd because it's not an action game.That's not entirely true, though. Hearthstone is the "action game" of card games.Hearthstone is a World of Warcraft themed Collectible Card Game (CCG), but it's not the World of Warcraft CCG. Think Magic the Gathering on the computer. MtG fans in particular will see Hearthstone as "dumbed down Magic," and while that may be true, it doesn't paint the whole picture.

System Requirements:

OS: Windows® XP/Windows® Vista/Windows® 7/Windows® 8 
Processor: Intel® Pentium® D or AMD® Athlon™ 64 X2
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Hard Drive: 3 GB available HD space
Video Memory: 256 Mb
Video Card: NVIDIA® GeForce® 6800 (256 MB) or ATI™ Radeon™ X1600 Pro 
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c


Each player starts with 30 health and a hero from one of the core WoW classes (no Death Knights or Monks, yet). The goal is to take your opponent's health down from 30 to 0 before they can do the same to you through the use of minions, spells, and abilities. Games generally take 10-20 minutes (the game has a per-turn time limit to prevent griefing).
Each turn follows the same sequence:
    Refill mana crystals and gain 1 new one (up to 10). Mana crystals are the resource used to put cards into play. The better the card, the more mana crystals it costs.
    Draw a card
    Player uses mana to play new creatures and/or spells
    Player attacks with any creatures they have
    End of Turn
The attacking and card playing can (unlike MtG) be done in any order or combination (attack with one, play a spell, attack with two more, play a second spell, and so on).
Like most games, the minions come with an attack and a health rating. Health is persistent and will dwindle over time, though there are ample ways to heal your creatures. When you attack with a minion, the attacker chooses who to attack. This gives considerable advantage to the attacker, as they can use a cheap, tiny 2/1 minion (2 attack, 1 health) to take down a big 5/2 creature that would otherwise pound their face every turn.
It also means that creature stalemates are relatively rare. Your creatures don't "tap" or otherwise expend themselves to attack, so it's very unusual if there's a turn where you don't attack. If you can't attack your opponent's creature profitably, your creatures can at least punch your opponent in the face for some damage.[/center]